Purple backgound

Private Events and Dining

interior shot of Statler Executive Room; one large table in a private room with artwork hanging from the walls

Statler Executive Dining Room

Cafe Laura offers private dining in our Statler Executive Dining Room. This state-of-the-art dining room can accommodate up to 12 people and features a large TV with internet connectivity and USB capabilities.

The Statler Executive Dining Room is named in honor of a Legacy Grant provided by The Statler Foundation to the School of Hospitality Management. The Statler Foundation was established in 1928 by the will of legendary hotelier Ellsworth M. Statler to further industry education. No outside food is permitted.

To reserve the dining room for lunch, call (814) 865-7441 or email [email protected]

To reserve the dining room for theme dinners, call (814) 865-1853.

interior shot of Cafe Laura; people are eating in the background with empty, clean tables in the foreground

University Private Events

Penn State departments and student organizations can rent Cafe Laura for private events. Rental is not available to the public.

The facility can accommodate up to 230 guests and is available on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday evenings and all day on Saturday and Sunday. Availability will vary by semester, pending semester course schedules, and when student labs are in session. 

For rental rates and availability, call (814) 865-7441 or email [email protected]